The perfect product listing
in minutes, not hours

The perfect product listing
in minutes, not hours

The perfect product listing
in minutes, not hours

Transform your products into high-converting listings that drive sales

Over 150,000 products listed and counting

Riley makes uploading simple

Riley makes uploading simple

Riley makes uploading simple

Create and optimize product listings effortlessly in minutes

AI-Assisted Copy

AI-Assisted Copy

AI-Assisted Copy

Automatically generate or refine product titles and descriptions, ensuring clarity, consistency, and a professional look — no manual editing required.

Smart Categorization

Smart Categorization

Smart Categorization

Classify your products correctly, every time. Create your own or align to Shopify's Standard Product Taxonomy to help your shoppers find what they need faster.

Automated SEO

Automated SEO

Automated SEO

Riley writes optimized titles, descriptions and product schemas that boost discoverability, so you can focus on driving sales instead of wrestling with keywords.

Robust Integration

Robust Integration

Robust Integration

Instantly populate crucial product details into your product tags, custom metafields, and more seamlessly.

Image Enhancement

Image Enhancement

Image Enhancement

Automatically enhance product visuals through intuitive cropping and refinement, ensuring a polished and uniform look across your site.

Predictive Tagging

Predictive Tagging

Predictive Tagging

Leverage AI-driven capabilities to automatically determine product attributes, reducing errors and saving valuable time.

3-5 mins

3-5 mins

3-5 mins

average upload speed

Up to 90%

Up to 90%

Up to 90%

in cost savings




your productivity

Built by operators, for operators

Riley is built and used by Thryft to process thousands of SKUs monthly

Riley is built and used by Thryft to process thousands of SKUs monthly

Riley is built and used by Thryft to process thousands of SKUs monthly

Over 50,000 active monthly SKUs

>10X faster upload speeds compared to manual methods

Over 90,000 items sold

Media Features

As seen in

As seen in

As seen in

"What sets Thryft apart? Artificial intelligence (AI). Thryft leverages AI to handle the tedious administrative work that typically bogs down secondhand stores, such as pricing, cataloguing, and inventory management."

"What sets Thryft apart? Artificial intelligence (AI). Thryft leverages AI to handle the tedious administrative work that typically bogs down secondhand stores, such as pricing, cataloguing, and inventory management."

"Thanks to the systems and AI they have leveraged on, processes such as pricing and listing items and managing logistics have been streamlined."

"Thanks to the systems and AI they have leveraged on, processes such as pricing and listing items and managing logistics have been streamlined."

Your first uploads are on us

Get started for free

Get started for free

Get started for free

Schedule a chat with us for free credits.



Perfect for small businesses or those just starting out.




per month

Billed monthly

Billed monthly

Billed monthly

100 credits/month

Up to 5 custom attributes

Full Riley features included



Enjoy a discounted rate with more credits to support your expanding product catalog.




per month

Billed monthly

Billed monthly

Billed monthly

250 credits/month

Up to 10 custom attributes

Full Riley features included



Ideal for thriving businesses with high-volume needs.




per month

Billed monthly

Billed monthly

Billed monthly

500 credits/month

Up to 20 custom attributes

Full Riley features included

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find what you're looking for?

What are credits and how do they work?

Credits are a form of currency you use to process tasks in Riley. Each upload deducts a credit from your balance — including tasks like generating product titles, descriptions, or tagging. If you subscribe to a monthly plan, your credits renew every billing cycle.

What are credits and how do they work?

Credits are a form of currency you use to process tasks in Riley. Each upload deducts a credit from your balance — including tasks like generating product titles, descriptions, or tagging. If you subscribe to a monthly plan, your credits renew every billing cycle.

What are credits and how do they work?

Credits are a form of currency you use to process tasks in Riley. Each upload deducts a credit from your balance — including tasks like generating product titles, descriptions, or tagging. If you subscribe to a monthly plan, your credits renew every billing cycle.

Can I upgrade or buy more credits if I run out?

Absolutely. You can either switch to a higher-tier monthly plan for additional credits or purchase ad-hoc credit packages whenever you need them—no long-term commitment required.

Can I upgrade or buy more credits if I run out?

Absolutely. You can either switch to a higher-tier monthly plan for additional credits or purchase ad-hoc credit packages whenever you need them—no long-term commitment required.

Can I upgrade or buy more credits if I run out?

Absolutely. You can either switch to a higher-tier monthly plan for additional credits or purchase ad-hoc credit packages whenever you need them—no long-term commitment required.

What platform(s) does Riley work with?

Riley currently integrates exclusively with Shopify.

You can also import product data from spreadsheets or other sources to keep your listings consistent. If you are doing so, our flexible AI-driven tools can adapt to various formats from other ecommerce platforms.

What platform(s) does Riley work with?

Riley currently integrates exclusively with Shopify.

You can also import product data from spreadsheets or other sources to keep your listings consistent. If you are doing so, our flexible AI-driven tools can adapt to various formats from other ecommerce platforms.

What platform(s) does Riley work with?

Riley currently integrates exclusively with Shopify.

You can also import product data from spreadsheets or other sources to keep your listings consistent. If you are doing so, our flexible AI-driven tools can adapt to various formats from other ecommerce platforms.

How does Riley generate copy, and can I edit them?

Riley uses advanced natural language processing to craft SEO-friendly product descriptions. You always have the final say, though—everything Riley does can be reviewed, edited, or overwritten on your Shopify Admin.

How does Riley generate copy, and can I edit them?

Riley uses advanced natural language processing to craft SEO-friendly product descriptions. You always have the final say, though—everything Riley does can be reviewed, edited, or overwritten on your Shopify Admin.

How does Riley generate copy, and can I edit them?

Riley uses advanced natural language processing to craft SEO-friendly product descriptions. You always have the final say, though—everything Riley does can be reviewed, edited, or overwritten on your Shopify Admin.

What if I need more advanced features or custom solutions?

We offer tailored enterprise solutions for users with high-volume or highly specialized needs. Contact us to discuss custom integrations, dedicated account management, or additional feature requests.

What if I need more advanced features or custom solutions?

We offer tailored enterprise solutions for users with high-volume or highly specialized needs. Contact us to discuss custom integrations, dedicated account management, or additional feature requests.

What if I need more advanced features or custom solutions?

We offer tailored enterprise solutions for users with high-volume or highly specialized needs. Contact us to discuss custom integrations, dedicated account management, or additional feature requests.

Ready to streamline your workflow?

Reclaim your time and work on the things that truly matter

Reclaim your time and work on the things that truly matter

Reclaim your time and work on the things that truly matter

We're always here to help.

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© 2025 AutomateWithRiley by Thryft. All rights reserved.

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© 2025 AutomateWithRiley by Thryft. All rights reserved.

Chat with us

© 2025 AutomateWithRiley by Thryft. All rights reserved.